Name............. Gifs Galore
Publisher........  Walnut Creek 
Price............ NORWAY: 179kr  SWEDEN: 239kr  US: $15
CDROMs........... 1
Used Space....... Information not available.
Language......... Not relevant
Bootable......... No
Filesystem....... ISO9660-1
Requirements..... mouse, keyboard
Usable Software..

                  Amiga KS1.3+ ............. Information not available.
                  Amiga KS2.1+ ............. 100%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ ............. 100%
                  Amiga KS3.0+ AGA ......... 100%
                  IBM PC WIN3.1 ............ 100%

Release Date..... September 1993

Contents......... 5000 GIF images

Access Software.. Viewers for Amiga, MAC, UNIX, MS-DOS etc included.
                  Grouped in directories by subject matter.
                  No icons for drawers or files; use
                  Shell or a directory utility to view
                  contents.  Many programs can use the images
                  right on the CD-ROM without need for an
                  icon.  A directory of GIF viewers for Amiga,
                  Atari-ST, MS-DOS, Windoze, Macintosh, Unix,
                  and other systems is included, as well as
                  other utilities for PCs and Macs.  The Amiga
                  viewers include the excellent ViewTek in an
                  old version (1.05) ready-to-run, and several
                  other GIF utilities in archived form.  (In
                  case you don't have Lharc to unpack them,
                  lharc.zoo is also included with a self-
                  unpacking zoo archive to unpack _that_!)

Comments......... Somebody meant well.  The directory path
                  leading to the viewers is provided with
                  Amiga icon files.  Unfortunately, the CD-ROM
                  was processed through an MS-DOS machine at
                  some stage and the icon .info filenames
                  turned into the likes of AMIGA.INF,
                  invisible on the Workbench.

Testers Opinion.. This disc contains 5000 images, but a lot 
                  of them are in a very low resolution. If you want
                  a CD whith many images, then this is the disc for
                  Rating: Three out of five.
                                                (Datormagazin 2/95)

                  "From a desktop publisher's point of view,
                  not even worth $15.  There are a few usable
                  B&W GIFs and some cartoon-style color line
                  art you might be able to use.  Most of the
                  rest is soft-edged, blurry stuff, apparently
                  scanned from a mixed bag of sources, and
                  often overlaid with advertising messages and
                  other text.  There is no system to the
                  filenames (all with the 8+3-character MS-DOS
                  limitation) - many are just numbers - and
                  they are generally of no help in identifying
                  the pictures."  Bill Falls (

                  "If you have an image processing program or a
                  PD utility capable of reading GIF format images
                  then this should be of interest."
                  Rating: 84%                (Amiga Format)

Keywords......... Pictures, Clipart

Sources.......... Bill Falls (
                  Johan Eriksson

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